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Create Quotations

Creating a new quote is a very easy process, you can always create new quotation by following below steps.

Sales > Quotations > Create New Invoice

Create- quote-1Below screen represent how a fresh Invoice looks like


#1. Customer Name: If you have customer saved on your business, you can start typing customer name and all the matched customers will be listed and you can select your customer from this list. If you wish to raise quotation for the new customer then select “Register Customer”. 

Register Customer: Clicking on Register customer a pop-up will be opened to enter all primary details of the customer like Name, Email Address and phone number


Switch to “Address” Tab from top of the pop-up and enter  the address details of the customer
Once the details are filled upclick on “Save” button to add new customer to the system


Advanced Search: You can also select customer by using this option also, clicking here will open list of  all the customers. You can find your customer from there and click on “Select” button in front of customer, clicking here will fill customer details in the respective sections



#2 : Billing Details : You can also add/edit billing details of the selected customer. You can find option to add billing details in the sideabr menu naming “Add Billing Details”. Clicking on it will open a pop-up that contains details about the billing details of the customer.



#3 : Shipping Details : Shipping Details contains all the information regarding the delivery of product. This section contains mandatory information in case of Delivery is selected as an Order Type
This contains both the reciepient details as well as address details. Provide as much information you can in the respective inputs provided. Once all the information is entered click on save to finalize input data.



#4 : Apply Discounts  : Custom discounts can also be added in the qoute total amount. For this click on “Apply Discounts” from the sidebar actions, doing this will open a pop-up to add discounts by various ways.



#5 : Add Surcharge : If there is any other type of charge associated with quotation, you can also add them from here. Click on “Add Surcharge”  in the menu and it will open a pop-up to add additioanl amount
Fill the inputs with the respective details and click on “Apply” to save the changes




#6 : Custom Taxes : You can also provide custom taxes to be applied on products, to add custom taxes clcik on “Add Custom Taxes”  from the sidebar options. This will open a pop-up to input tax details
Add as much taxes you like by clicking on “Add New Taxes” thats how multiple taxes can be added to items



#7 : Add Payment : Payment details can be provided while creating quote in case user have paid in advanced, to do so click on “Add Payments” in the side bar options to record payment details
Input Amount and select mode of payemnt and then click on save to finalize


#8 : Edit Order Type : Order type represents whether it will be a takeaway order or In-store order or Delivery Order. Click on “Edit Order Type”  to select type of order



#9 : Item List : Start typing Item name into the “Item name” cell in the table when you see your item just click on it and it will be added into it. Repeat this process if multiple items to be added in the items
To add multiple Items efficiently, click on “Select from list” and your inventory list will be visible to you, select multiple items from here and click on “Save” button to add selected items in the list


#10 : Reset : To remove all the details of the quotation created or to freshly start building up quote, click on “Reset”  button to do so.

#11 : Save Quotation : When all the details are entered, click on “Save”  button to raise quotations. When this button is clicked ou will be prompted to confirm email address and due date. Vaalidate these details and click on “Save” to raise Quotation.



When a Quotation is raised you can check it from Quotation Overview or Edit it further more to amke necessary changes

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