Manage Inventory


Manage Inventory

Twill Inventory Management tools help businesses to effectively manage their stock and inventory. Following are some terminologies used by Retailers/Suppliers and are explained in Twirll’s context:

Inventory: Inventory refers to the goods and materials that a business holds for the ultimate purpose of sale e.g. raw material, work-in-process goods and completely finished goods that are considered as business assets and are (or will be) ready for sale. For restaurants, Inventory can be referred as “Menu”.

Catalogue: A catalogue help in categorising products and displaying the products in structured format. Twirll allow creation of 3 levels in a product catalog. Additionally, catalog/menu can also be assigned to different business location (for a business with multiple location) and printers can be assigned for split printing.

Product: Any tangible or intangible good or service that is a result of a process and is intended for delivery to a customer or end user. Product collaboratively makes a catalogue and can be drilled down to variants. A product can be defined as something that business sells to the customer. Click here for more information.

Variant:  A form or version of product that differs in some respect from other forms of the same product. Variant is defined for the individuality of product, which can differ by a given attribute (e.g. color, price, make or size etc.).

Photo Tagging: Tagging an appropriate professional photo plays an important role to beautify any website or mobile application. Our encourage our customers to upload only professional photos of their items/products.

Bulk Upload: For multiple products/variants, its highly recommended to use Twirll’s bulk upload or import/export tool. This tool can significantly reduce the inventory creation time.

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