
HomeBusinessInitial Set-up

Initial Set-up

Business Set up is the one time activity that is done so that details of the businesses are complete and no mandatory part is left. The set up part is done as soon as business is registered.Below are the steps to be followed > Register Business

  1. OTP Validation : Once the registration is done, first step is to validate the OTP. Hence you are redirected to the OTP Validation screen where you have to enter the OTP sent to your E-mail address
  2. Demo Item Creation : This is the automated step triggered when OTP is validated. This step contains activities to create demo details for your business. Purpose of creating the demo items is to have some items where actions can be taken
  3. Data Set-Up Completion Page : Once all the activities are done, you will be redirected to the final page of set up. It contains different paths from where you can redirect to multiple pages as per the user requirements.

There are other configurations also that can be managed manually, these configurations are listed below.

  1. Run Setup Wizard
  2. Business Profile Set up
  3. Location Set up
  4. Catalog/Menu setup
  5. Inventory Set up
  6. Manage and Assign Taxes
  7. Manager Order Types
  8. Manage Delivery Zone
  9. KYC E-records
  10. Set up printers
  11. Picture Tagging
  12. Run Completeness Test
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