
HomeBusinessManage OrderEmail Order

Email Order

Order details can be shared via email to customer to inform about current status of the order or to remind for payment or any other to do so, follow steps as(Fig. 1, Fig. 2)

Manage Order ⇒ Order Detail ⇒ Email Invoice

Order List

Fig. 1

Email Invoice

Fig. 2

Click on more button and select “Email Invoice” action, a pop up will be opened to select purpose of this email action(Fig. 3) after that email id and additional details are taken as input(Fig. 4)

Email PurposeFig. 3

Choose purpose of sending email, whether you want to send a payment reminder or you want to share order details only or may be some other reason select a reason and click on “Proceed” button. Clicking on it, a new pop up will be opened to Input details of email to be sent(Fig. 4)

Email Invoice

Fig 4

#1 Email : Enter comma ( , ) separated e-mail ID’s to which you want to sent emails

#2 Subject : Subject line can be customise as per email

#3 Message : Enter a custom message to be delivered with this email

Once all details are filled up, click on “Proceed” button that will send email to email-id’s that were entered with subject and message that was provided as input

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