


Welcome to the Twirll registration page!

Just follow few steps below and register with Twirll platform:

  1. Visit
  2. Click “Business” on the top right and then click “Register”  (as shown below). snapshot70
  3. A registration form will appear on the screen. Fill-in the following details:
    1. Business Profile Name – Enter your business name. This is displayed to the shoppers/consumers of Twirll marketplace mobile app, and/or business web-application hosted by Twirll platform
    2. First Name – Your first name is mandatory to register on Twirll.
    3. Last Name – Enter your last name (surname) to complete your profile.
    4. Username – It must be a valid email address (it will be your username) on which you wish to receive the OTP code. 
    5. Password – Choose a secure password, which you will use for logging in to your Twirll account.
    6. Country – Select the country where your business is based. Currently, Twirll is available in India, Australia and Singapore.
    7.  Category –  Select your category from the drop down box. Categories represent the type/nature of business owned by the business user.
  4. Review the Terms & Conditions and check the small square box next to it.
  5. And, finally, click on  the Register button.

 Congratulations! Your Twirll account has been successfully created and is ready to use.register form

Create New Twirll account from Login Page
Alternatively, you can also register yourself or create a new Twirll Account from Login Page. Here are the steps:
  1. Go to our website 
  2. Click on Business on top right of home page and then click on Log In.register from login2
  3. Then click on Register button at bottom left corner of the form.register from login1
  4. You will be redirected to the registration form. (Follow the steps mentioned earlier and  create your account on Twirll . )


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