This error occurs when the Main/Primary Printer having connectivity issues due to loose network cables or change in IP Address. kindly follow the below mentioned simple troubleshooting guide
- Check if the power cable & network wire connected with router and printer properly, it should not be loose
- If cable connections are ok, then switch off the printer
- After 5 Seconds Switch on the printer
- Wait for upto 15 seconds for printer to print IP Address docket automatically (similar to below image)
Go to if IP address docket is not printed - Compare newly printed IP address with IP address of main/primary printer configured in the system
- If IP address is same as previous IP address,
- Try reprinting the docket or invoice and check
- If printing then continue operation on POS, else go for printer factory reset
- If IP address is different then previous IP address,
- Check if printer IP address is, it means the printer is still not connected to the network. Please check connections again
- If it not above IP address, It means the printer has been assigned a new IP address, then update the new IP address in Twirll system