
HomeBusinessManage OrderProcess Refund

Process Refund

Refund Functionality is to be used when an amount has to be returned to the customer. You can return amount by following these simple steps

Manage order ⇒ Order Detail ⇒ More ⇒ Process Refund

Order List

Fig. 1

More button Refund


Refund will be disabled for Normal Orders It will only be applicable if customer has paid more than amount of order i.e. order is overpaid, Refund will also be applicable if order amount is partially paid then paid amount can be refunded and the last scenario for which refund is applicable is when customer has paid for an order it was cancelled further in that case also refund is applicable

When we click on refund Order a pop up will be opened demanding various details needed to iniiate refund (Fig. 2)

RefundFig. 2

#1 Mode of Transfer: Select mode of transfer by which you want to refund money.

#2 Refund Amount: Enter total amount to be refunded.

#3 Reason : Select reason, why this refund has to be initiated.

#4 Comment: Any additional information to be provided with it.

#5 Reset: Click reset in case of wrong input is provided. This will reset your Input with default values

#6 Save: Once all information is correctly entered click here to save.

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