Point of Sale

HomePoint of SaleSeat booking for a dine-in orderHow To Book/Vacate Seats

How To Book/Vacate Seats

Follow the below path to reserve a seat

Twirll Login > DineIn > Seat Booking

Seat Selection-1

#1: Select “Dine-In” to book a seat for your business

#2: Click on “Book a Table” to go to seat booking screen

Seat Selection-2

Booking/Vacate seats

  1. Click on any seat you wish to book, make sure that seat was not booked by any user
  2. “Refresh” button is used to sync seating arrangement with other users. If any other users have booked a seat it will be reflected here
  3. To remove booking from a table, click on “Vacate” to remove reservation
  4. “Send” button is used to send information of order of that perticular seat to the kitchen
  5. The “Checkout” button takes you to checkout screen to place order on that table


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