Point of Sale

HomePoint of SaleSettingsHow To Configure Cart Line Settings

How To Configure Cart Line Settings

Cart line settings allow you to enable or disable comments for each item in cart.
This setting will also allow you to have some predefined comments for each item in the cart. They can then be used as labels while adding items to the cart. For example, you may want a predefined label like ‘with butter’ OR ‘additional milk’, etc. Use this setting to achieve all of these.


This Includes different options like

  • Enabling “Cart Line Images” will start showing images of items in the cart
  • Enable “Cart Line Posting” Indicated whether or not you wish to inform kitchen about active cart or not.
  • Enable cart line comment  if you wish to enter comments on cart line level or at each different item so this will get printed or notified along with updates in cart line items. also you can provide some quick text that can be added as a comment in the cart lines
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