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Most Sellable Items

Most Sellable Items

Most Sellable Items report is based on items like it shows which item is most in sale from your inventory. To see your “Most Sellable Items” report click hereportal.twirll.com_v1.0.0_pos.html(iPad) (15)

Once this is clicked, you will be redirected to “Most Sellable Items” reports

portal.twirll.com_v1.0.0_pos.html(iPad) (17)

“Report Filters” are used to group your analytics in the most suitable format

  1. Time Selection : It is the time range in which you wish to see your reporting
  2. Order Status : You can also your reports filtered by status of order such as : In-Progress, Dispatched, Completed or cancelled

Graphical Representation
Here you can see you can see your ranked Items on the basis of who has given most profit and filters selected in the above section

If you wish to see reporting in tabular format the last section shows the data listed in the tabular format.portal.twirll.com_v1.0.0_pos.html(iPad) (18)

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