Point of Sale

HomePoint of SaleManage Saved OrdersHow To Collect Payments In A Order

How To Collect Payments In A Order

If there is any payment due for an order, please follow below steps to collect payment due.
portal.twirll.com_v1.0.0_pos.html(iPad) (1)

  1. Go to “Orders” section
  2. Select “Order History” to view the list of orders
    Note : You can find your desired order by using the filters on the screen.
  3. Click on your order to open its item list
  4. Click on “Collect Payment” to initialize payment processing

When “Collect Payment” is clicked, a pop-up is opened to record the details of the payments.portal.twirll.com_v1.0.0_pos.html(iPad) (2)

  1. Input the amount to be collected from the customer
  2. Select the mode by which the payment is to be received.

Once these details are recorded, your payment details are updatedportal.twirll.com_v1.0.0_pos.html(iPad) (3)

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