Point of Sale

HomePoint of SaleDynamic QR codePrint Self-Service Dine-In QR code

Print Self-Service Dine-In QR code

We can Print QR code for Self-Service Dine-In Order From PoS

Select order type at home page

Seat Selection-1

It opens seating layout, select seat which you want to reserve and generate a self-service QR code for.

Seat Selection-1

Now Select Pax(Number of people for Dine-In)
Seat Selection-1

#1 : You can select Pax by clicking at options or
#1.1 : If the number of people are more than 10 then enter the number here.

Click on print QR button once it is enabled, for printing QR code from printer
Seat Selection-1

  1. Enable QR code For Self-Service Ordering At PoS
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