Point of Sale

HomePoint of SaleManage Saved OrdersHow To Add New Items In Order

How To Add New Items In Order

With Twirll PoS, Items can be added ever after order is confirmed. To add an Item in the order, click on “Add Items” button from order detail screen.You will be taken to a new screen where new Items can be added to this order

Manage Orders-4

  1. This option allows you to return without making any changes.
  2. Click “Add More Items” to include additional entries.
  3. Use the “Save” button to finalize the items being added to the order.
  4. Start typing the item name, and Twirll will display a list of matching items. Select the correct item from the list.
  5. Enter any comments you wish to associate with this item.
  6. This option resets or deletes the captured item details.
  7. The unit price updates automatically upon item selection but can be modified.
  8. The default quantity is set to 1 but can be adjusted as needed.
  9. A flat discount can be applied to the product.
  10. You also have the option to apply a percentage discount to this item.


Start typing the item name, and Twirll will automatically display a list of matching items. Select the desired item from the list, click “Save”, and the item will be added to the cart.


After Saving Item


This is how an Item looks when it is first added, keep on adding more products as required with “Add More Items”  and once it is finalized just click on “save”

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