Point of Sale

HomePoint of SaleManage ReservationEdit Reservation

Edit Reservation

In Order to edit existing reservation, follow this path.

  1. Login to POS (https://portal.twirll.com/POSLogin.html) or POS Application
  2. Access Manage Reservation (Depends on your POS home screen setting)

  3. Search/Locate reservation you want to edit, you can use search option to find.

    Once you locate your order click on “Edit” button to edit reservation.

  4. Edit Reservation Detail.

    #1 : Change Start and End date-time of reservation here.
    #2 : You can use this quick option to change apply duration or reservation time period.Enter customer detail
  5. Edit seat/table number person count.
  6. Once you fill required detail Click/Tap on “Save” button to update reservation.
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