Point of Sale

HomePoint of SaleManage POS OperationHow to edit item/ Inventory fromPOS

How to edit item/ Inventory fromPOS

Edit Item functionality in PoS is used to edit inventory deatils in case of any change is needed. When Edit mode is activated, Items on your page will not be added in your cart. Instead, they will become editable. To edit inventory follow below steps

Twirll Login > Quick Options > Edit Inventory

Edit Inventory-1

#1 : Click on @Twirll icon in top left corner of screen to open options menu

#2 : Click on “Edit Inventory” to start editing your Inventory Items

Once “Edit Inventory” is clicked view of PoS will be changed as below

Edit Inventory-2

Click on any of the Item whose details have to be changed. Once the Item is clicked a pop up will be opened to edit the details

Edit Inventory-3

#1 : Select what type of otem detail you want to modify

#2 : Change Item detail, Modify the details from Inputs provided

#3 : Once all the details are changed, click on “Save” button to save modified details

Same way we can change details of all items we wish to modify

support.twirll.com_v1.0.0_pos.html(iPad) (19)

Once completed click on “Exit Edit Mode”  to go back in normal mode.

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