Point of Sale

Split order

Split Check : Is a functionality where if customers want, they can split the order among themselves depending on what they ordered.

In Manner to Split Order : If the order is already opened in cart area, click on

#1 : “More” Button, then click on #2 : Split Order Option in sidebar section.

If order is not active then To Split Order:- go to “Order on Hold” section

Click / Tap on Split Button (If button not found, enable Split order at Business Location):

Split Mode selected: Now click or tap on the order which you want to split.

Order is open: Now click / tap on items in primary order which you want to move in splitted order or vice versa.

Once order is separated: If you wish to take payment for a newly created order, then click or tap on “Confirm & Checkout” button.

If you wish to split only and load the primary order : Then click or tap on “Split Order” button.

You can always find the split orders in “Order On Hold” or at table

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