Point of Sale

HomePoint of SaleManage orders operationsPrint kitchen docket (KOT)

Print kitchen docket (KOT)

Sending order items to the kitchen for preparation is quick and easy. You can print kitchen dockets or post items to the Kitchen Display System (KDS).
Twirll supports split printing at different printers or printing on multiple printer, such as Main Printer, Entrée Printer, or Bar Printer.

Steps to Print or Post Items to the Kitchen

  1. Send Items to the Kitchen
    • Tap the Send button to print the order items at their assigned printers or post them to the KDS for preparation.
  2. Partially Sent Orders
    • If some items in the order have already been sent, tapping the Send button again will only send the items that have not yet been sent.

Check related links :
how to enable posting item to kitchen 
how to enable posting item at KDS

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