How to Create item directly from Catalog
To create item from catalog follow the below steps
Step 2: Select catalog in which you have to add new item or product, and then click on “Add item“.
Step 3: Fill all the required details to create new item, and then save the product.
Note : Components of Basic Product creation are listed below
- Sellable Item: This is usually checked by default indicating that the prices of the item will be displayed to the customer
- Item Name: Create a suitable short name (recommended maximum length: 40 characters) of the item/product. This will help in identification of the product
- Item Location: If business has multiple locations and inventory need to be managed separately, assign a default location to the item. Later, business will need to configure a separate variant of the product.
- Item Type: Select a suitable item type. Email us at if you are unable to find a suitable item type.
- Selling Price and Currency: Add the selling price and the currency of the item
- Unit: If you selling shirts, unit could be “Piece”. Say price of the shirt is $50 AUD, it will displayed as $50 AUD per piece to the customers.
- Item Description: Provide an appropriate description to the product/items to enhance customer experience
- Stock Independent: Check this box if the item quantity is unlimited (or independent of the stock). Once unchecked, following options will appear:
- SKU: Stock Keeping unit, a unique identification for the stock
- Stock-In-Hand: Total stock available in hand
- Out of Stock Threshold: Once the stock-in-hand is equal to this threshold, business will get a notification via email so they can take appropriate action
- Long Description : Describe your product in detail by adding more and more information here.