Events or tickets can also be created if you provide service or do events as a business.Follow the listed steps to create tickets or events.
Operations ⇒ Manage Inventory ⇒ Add Product/Item
Enter the details mentioned on the screen to create tickets
Components of tickets creation are followed as
- Active Event : This represents whether or not this event will be available to customer or not. If it is not marked as an active event then this will not be visible and hence the customer cannot buy it
- Event Name : Create a suitable short name (recommended maximum length: 40 characters) of the Event. This will help in identification of this individual event.
- Venue : This will list all your available locations of your business, select any one from it that will act as a venue where your event will be held
- Event Type :Select a suitable event type. Email us at if you are unable to find a suitable event type.
- Start Date : Please provide a date on which the event will be starting
- Event Has A End Date : Select this if you wish to provide a date range for your event.
- End Date : This will act as a last date on whcih the event will occur.
- Click on “Create Tickets For Events” to create multiple tickets. This will open multiple options to create tickets.
- Mention dates on which events are running : Inputs dates in DD-MM-YYYY format saperated by ‘ , ‘ on which you wich to input dates list
- Is this event running in multiple slots : Provide time slots in HH:MM aa format sapperated by ‘ , ‘ in which event is to occur
- What all different Venues for this Event : Different places at which this event will be happening
- What all different ticket categories you have for this event : Provide the different categories of tickets you have for this event(eg. Child/Adult, Gold/Platinum)