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Manage IoT Devices

Twirll allows to manage printers and other devices centrally i.e across locations which can be used for printing receipts, report, order summary, etc. To manage your IOT devices, follow below path(Fig. 1)

Login ⇒ Operations⇒ Advance Operation Setup⇒ Manage IOT device 

IOT Devices

Fig. 1

A list of all hardware device will be opened up where your first list will be of IOT devices and second will be of non-IOT devices

There are following components in IOT devices list(Fig. 2)

IOT devices List

Fig. 2

  1. List of devices: All of your devices are arranged in a list with following components
    1. Device Name : The name you choose to give to your IOT device
    2. Location : Your business location at which this device will be operable
    3. Public IP:Port : IP and port combination of this device
    4. Device Type Id : It is the ID of the device type you choose to deploy
  2. Add IOT Device : If you wish to add a new IOT device then click on this button. You will be redirected to a form to enter details of new IOT device that is to be created
  3. API List : This will take you a subsection which contains list of all APIs which are related to this device only all the API’s are managed from here only
  4. Delete : this button will remove device from your list

Add New IoT Device

To add a new IOT device just fill up basic details of new IOT device to be entered(Fig. 3)

New IOT device

Fig. 4

  1. Business Location : Select a business location on which you wish to set up this new device
  2. Device Type : Choose which type of device you wish to set up for your business
  3. Device Name : Provide a name for this device to differentiate it from the rest
  4. Public IP and Port : Enter  a public IP and port combination
  5. Local IP and Port : Enter Local IP and Port combination
  6. API type : Choose which type of API this device will be accepting it can either be push or pull
  7. Device Status : Choose Status of this device
  8. Device Id : Input a unique ID for this device
  9. Serial Number : Maintain serial number of this device
  10. IOT Company : Provide company name of device
  11. Add Associated Device : you can tag different non-IOT device to be controlled by this IOT, add them from here
  12. Save : Save your newly created IOT device from here

API List

API List are all API’s which are associated with a device It shows its following components(Fig. 5)

API List

Fig. 5

  1. Identifier : A unique string which helps to differentiate an API from the other
  2. Description : This is a small description about the API.
  3. URL : It is the link of the API which is to be triggered to execute an API
  4. Method :  Method represent type of API (PULL/POST/PUT…. etc)
  5. Last Updated At : This shows time at which it is last updated
  6. Configure New API : Add a new API in list for this device

Configure New API

This section helps to configure a new API for specific device. Filling up this form with detail will configure entered API for selected device(Fig. 6)


Fig. 6

  1. URL : Enter  URL of the API to be configured
  2. Method : Select a method for this API(POST/GET/PUT/DELETE).
  3. Header : Enter strings that is to be going in the header of API.
  4. Identifier : A unique string to act as a identifier that will be used to differentiate an API from the other
  5. Description : A small description about this new API to be configured
  6. Params : The parameters that is to be passed in API have to be declared in here
  7. Save : Once all details are entered click here to save configuration of this API

You can also maintain non IOT devices also, They are named as “Other Devices” which  could be found just below IOT devices section(Fig. 7)

Other device List

Fig. 7

The components of “Other Devices” are highlighted in Fig. 8

Other devices config

Fig. 8

  1. Device Name : This is the name of device that you entered while creating this device
  2. Device Type: This represents type of device that was created
  3. Location Name: This is the location on which you have created this device
  4. Description: A small detail about the device that was created
  5. Updated on: Time at which this device was last updated
  6. Delete: to delete a non IOT device click on this button and confirm your action
  7. Add Other Device: This button is used to add a new non-IOT device to your list

Adding a Non IOT Device

To add a non-IOT device click on “Add Other Device” button on the top right corner of non-IOT devices list After that you will be redirected to a form to fill up details for other devices list(Fig. 9)

Create Other device

Fig. 9

  1. Business Location: Selecting a business location will define a location on which this device will be working
  2. Device type: This specifies type of device that you have
  3. Device Id: Input a unique Id for this device
  4. Description: Please enter a small description for this device you are creating
  5. Serial Number: Input serial number of device that is specified on device
  6. Company: Enter company name of device
  7. Status: This is a switch to make this device active or inactive
  8. Save: Once all information is filled up, click on save button to save the details
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